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enabling and disabling USB port

How to enable or disable USB Drives or Ports in Windows

How often you have witnessed blocked Pen drive or USB drive access in your work place or college or school? I believe many times; in fact every time you try to use the USB drive, you are not allowed, simply because the administrator has disabled USB drive detection on your Windows system. Again, how often has your data been stolen because someone connected an unauthorized USB to your computer and copied your files?  Well, you don’t need to worry because the solution to disable or enable USB Ports is pretty simple.

using Registry:

You can use regedit (register edit ) to enable or to disable usb ports. the following steps are to be done:

Go to Start > Run , type “regedit” and press enter to open the registry editor
  1. Navigate to the following key
In the right pane, select Start and change the value to 3. (The value 4 will disable USB Storage). Click OK. This will re-enable USB Ports and allow you to use USB or Pen drives.

NOTE: 3 to enable and 4 to disable


from Device Manager:

If you still don’t find your USB drive working, you may have to look into the Device Manager. The Administrator could have possibly disabled the USB port here. Check out for any possibility in the Device Manager and enable the disabled port by right clicking on selected one and click Enable.


Use USB Drive Disabler / Enabler

You can download and use a free tool USB Drive Disabler / Enabler which will allow you to easily enable or disable USB drives on your Windows computer.


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