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By Default Windows do not allow users to Copy text and Paste it in Command prompt Or Copy text from Command prompt and paste it elsewhere. But there is an option in CMD itself to enable Copy & Paste Text in Windows Command Prompt.
Today in this tutorial we will learn how to Enable Copying and Pasting Texts in Windows Command prompt. One of the main advantage of this will be that you can copy any command that you find on the internet or from any word/excel file and paste it directly in CMD and execute that command just like that.
Step 1: Open CMD, Just type CMD in search or Press Win + X key to select Command Prompt.
Step 2: Right Click on the Title of the CMD window and Select Properties just like its shown in the below Picture

Step 3: You will see a Pop up Window coming up, Now on the Right hand side, Under Edit Options, Just Check Quick Edit Mode and click OK
Step 4: Everything is Done, Now just Copy any Text from Here or Anywhere else Using CTRL + C keys and just Right click using your mouse on CMD. You will see that the text is been pasted automatically in CMD. Please Understand that Using CTRL + C to Copy text is Important.
Likewise if you wish to Copy Text from CMD to paste elsewhere then Just Select the Text in CMD and Again just Right Click with the mouse. Your Text is Copied and ready to Paste it in any Document you want.
This Doesn’t Limit you to just Text you can even copy File or Folder path and paste it in CMD. Everything that you have to type manually can be copied from somewhere and pasted directly to CMD with this small Tweak
So this was just a small Tip I wanted to Share with my Readers so that you don’t have to Type any long Command in CMD which if typed incorrectly can cause errors. I hope this will help some Of you.

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