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How to use mouse pointer when mouse fails to work

How to use mouse pointer when mouse fails to work. Step 1: Press “left ctrl + left shift + number lock” at a time. Step 2: A wizard opens and asks you whether to activate the mouse keys or not, click yes for that. Keys used 1 : move left side down 2 . move down. 3 . move rightside down 4 . move left side. 6 . move right side. 7 . move left side up. 8 . move up. 9 . move right side up. 5 . right click. + . Double click. 0 . click and hold.

Inviting all your friends to like your page

How to invite all your friends to like your page at a time. Step 1: Open your facebook page. Step 2: Click invite your friends to like your page. Step 3: Open console log(Right click and select inspect elements). Step 4:   Copy and paste the below code in console log and press enter. javascript:var inputs = document.getElementsByClassNam e('uiButton _1sm'); for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) {inputs[i].click();}

Accepting all your Friend request within a second.

How to accept all your Friend Request at a time. Step 1:  First of All login to your facebook account. Step 2: Go to Step 3:   Open Console box. (Right click and select inspect element) Copy and paste the below code in console log and press enter. javascript : var field = document . getElementsByName ( "actions[accept]" ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < field . length ; i ++ ) field [ i ] . click ( ) ;

Single name in facebook

HOW TO SET SINGLE NAME IN FACEBOOK Step 1: Go to settings and select general tab. Step 2: change the default language to Bahasa indonesia. Step 3: Now go to options in firefox browser and select advance tab ,under network tab click settings Step 4: Go to and select country as “ Indonesia ”, choose port= “ 8080 ”. Step 5: Copy any one of the proxy with port 8080 and paste that in firefox manual proxy configuration .  Step 6: Now go back to facebook tab and click change name and leave the last name tab as blank and click save , i will ask your facebook password provide it and click confirm. Step 7: Now shift to your default language.

Creating Bootable Pendrive

HOW TO CREATE BOOTABLE PENDRIVE Step 1: opencommand prompt as admin. Step 2: Type diskpart and press enter. Step 3: Type list disk and press enter. Step 4: Select the disk(your pendrive). Note: carefully select your secondary storage device. Step 5:T ype clean and press enter. It will erase all the content inside the pendrive. Step 6: Type create partition primary and press enter. It will create a primary partition in pen drive. Step 7: Format your selected partition by format fs=ntfs quick. It will format your pen drive quickly with NTFS file type. Step 8: To make your ntfs partition active type active and press enter.It will make partition as active for booting after restarting the computer. If this step is missed then computer will not boot from the pen drive. Step 9: to assign your partition type assign and press enter.     Step 10: type exit and press close the diskpart and close ...